logo 社団法人日本保安用品協会 Japanese
JSAA is working for investigation and promotion of safety appliances, in order to protect safety and health of workers.

Last Updated:  
Personal Dosimeter for Radiation Measurement
Window Film
Environmentala Improvement Equipments for Industries
Cigarette Smoke Separating Units
Collaboration with Other Oraganizations Industrial Associations, Research Oraganizations, Etc.
mission history operations committee oraganization


The Safety Appliances Association for Coal Mine established in Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku.

October 7,1948

The Occupational Protective Equipment Association established with its office in the TokyoBranch of Kawasaki Kikai Kogyo.

November 24,1951

The two associations amalgamated and the name was changed to the Japan Safety Appliances Association(JSAA).

March 28,1959

JSAA incorporated.

May 16,1973

JSAA received an award from the Minister of International Trade and Industry for its contribution to enhancing the safety of mines.

July 1,1978

JSAA received the Prime Minister Award for its long-term research in improving and developing safety appliances for mines and in improving occupational safety and health in working environments.

May 14,1985

The 1985 International Safety Appliances Conference(ISAC) was held. JSAA was honored by the US National Safety Council(NSC) for its success in organizing the conference.

March 31, 1987

The total number of JIS drafted by JSAA under the commission of the Agency of Industrial Science and Technology after the establishment of the Industrial Standardization Law in 1949 reached 135.

May 8 to 12, 2000

The meeting of ISO/TC85/SC2 (radiation protection) was held in Tokyo at the Sanjo Conference Hall and Gakushi Club Annex of the University of Tokyo with 48 participants from 14 countries.

May 24, 2001

The Incineration Facility Dismantling Manual (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Edition) was published and distributed.

October 1,2001

Model certification and the labeling scheme commenced for protective sneakers.

October 15,2001

JSAA received an award from the Minister of Economy,Trade and Industry for its contribution to the promotion of industrial standardization.

Februry 18 to
  March 15,2002

The Special Exhibition for the Protection against Accidents and Disasters was organized in collaboration with the Japan Industrial Safety and Health Association ,and held in the Industrial Safety Museum.

March 29, 2004

JSAA's membership status as a domestic review organization for ISO/TC94 (Personal safety-Protective clothing and equipment) was officially changed from O-member to P-member.

October 14, 2004

Explanation meetings were held for the new JIS system introduced by the amended Industrial Standardization Law.

November 14 to  19, 2004

The 3rd meeting of ISO/TC94/SC15 (respiratory protective devices) was held in Yokohama with 33 foreign participants from 9 countries.

Wako Yushima BLDG 5F
2-31-15, Yushima, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan 113-0034
TEL:03(5804)3125 FAX:03(5804)3126

copyright (c) 2003 Japan Safety Appliances Association. All rights reserved.